
dimanche 28 mars 2010

Aspects que l'employeur devrait-il surveiller dans son interview Panel

It goes without saying, as a business owner you want to get the best employees on board to ensure smooth business operations. With this era of many young, energetic and ambitious college graduates and others being retrenched due to the economic hardships, all seeking to get employment, it calls for an employer to have the best interviewing panel.

My reason to bring this up is because sometimes interviewing personnel can get be inclined to favor certain candidates. Business management experts state that to acquire the best workforce when conducting a job interview, it is always advisable to approach it with an open mind. It is never prudent to only judge the ability of a candidate just from their academic qualifications.

There are other attributes to consider hence the interviewing panel must be alert and focused on identifying other abilities form each job applicant. A candidate may be lacking enough job experience but he/she could be endowed with leadership qualities or have an innovative mind that every business needs to go to the next level.

Failure to carefully pick out the strengths of each job seeker may mean that you loss out on a candidate that would add the required ingredient to improve your business activities. Thus, as an employer get the best team to conduct interviews or even outsource for such services from qualified and reputable organization. Carry out periodic reviews of your interviewing personnel performance and also offering them relevant training on how to identify the attributes of job seekers will assist to get you the best workforce in the job market.

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